Kami segenap kru (padahal cm sendiri :D ) blog trik-tips.blogsdpot.com mengucapkan "Minal Aidzin Walfaizin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin". Dihari yang penuh maaf ini saya ingin meminta maaf kepada para pembaca, pemirsa, pendengar, rekan2 dan sodara semuanya, bilamana saya telah berbuat silaf dan hilaf mohon dimaafkan. Walaupun cm sekedar blog namun bisa membuat orang jadi senewen, mumet, pusing, pingin marah, geram, gregeten dan LL. Saya juga memohon maaf apabila dalam penyampaian saya dirasa kurang jelas atau malah bisa membikin pusing karena saya juga masih dalam tahap belajar. Saya juga memohon maaf apabila tidak bisa menjawab semua komentar maupun pertanyaan rekan2 semua baik melalui Comment Box, Shoutbox, Email maupun YM. Saya juga memohon maaf atas semua tindakan, ucapan, maupun perbuatan saya baik yang disengaja maupun tidak. Saya juga memohon maaf untuk DLL. Pokoknya intinya maafin saya deh ya.....ya...ya...
Broadband Speed Test
If you already have an Internet connection, you probably connect to the Internet with a modem that plugs into your telephone line (often referred to as a "dial-up connection"). If you're setting up an Internet connection for the first time, it really makes sense to go for Broadband right from the start, as the entry-level packages are generally much better value than the dial-up alternative. Once you've looked into the options and know which types of broadband Internet are available in your area, the next step is to choose the best deal. The biggest factor to consider when you choose a deal is speed. How fast is the connection? And is it fast enough to do all the things you would like to be able to do?
Broadband speed is measured by the amount of data your connection can send and receive in Kilobytes per second (Kbps) or Megabytes per second (Mbps). You can check it with broadband speed test. You will know how fast is your internet connecttion. The speed check will work for any type of connection including ADSL, cable/fibre optic and by the 3G mobile network (mobile broadband). Make sure that you have closed any other applications using the internet (for example email, instant messenger, and so on). Your broadband speed can vary wildly at different times of the day depending on external factors, such as the number of users online in your building, your street and even your country
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